About this treatment

Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) is a natural protein which relaxes and softens lines and wrinkles which create a more youthful, fresh faced and rejuvenated appearance. Small injections are made into the specific muscles of the face that create wrinkles. This reduces the muscular activity and therefore softens the skin’s creasing. Botox® treatments generally become effective within 3–14 days. Some patients may need or require a treatment with filler also for best results.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections Areas:

Forehead lines, Crow's feet around the eyes, Smile and frown lines, orange peel chin, Gummy smile, Brow lift, Bunny lines, Lines around the mouth (smoker’s lines), Neck lift, Jaw slimming, excessive sweating, Jaw (masseter muscles teeth grinding).

Before any Botox® treatment is administered, patients will be required to undergo a full consultation. This consultation is an essential part of the treatment process during which all treatment options and alternatives, risks and complications will be discussed. Your informed consent is a principal concern.

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